
How Quick Is ‘Quick Commerce’ In The Online Food Industry?

Restaurants are constantly looking for ways to improve their business. One way they do this is by using quick commerce aka q commerce.

When it comes to thriving in the restaurant industry, there is no doubt that q commerce is key.
In fact, many restaurateurs believe that this form of commerce is essential for keeping customers happy and ensuring that their food is delivered quickly and accurately. 

Blink – Q commerce enablement platform

We are a global direct quick commerce platform that serves a plethora of restaurants in the MENAP region. More importantly, we believe in enabling fast, easy, and efficient order fulfillment that ensures a delightful customer experience for over a hundred food business owners. 

Having said that, a big growth mindset comes with its own set of challenges. We overcame such challenges by taking an early approach to adopt the quick commerce business model. This article sheds light on quick commerce from an introductory point of view. You can bookmark this page to keep tabs on different additions, industry insights, and related articles that we will be adding to it later.

Now let’s get started.

What Is Quick Commerce?

Quick Commerce Stats for MENA

Also known as Q-commerce, quick commerce is the next generation of e-commerce. “Quick” implies that the nature of business optimizes time.

Customers of a quick commerce-based business experience fast service. Irrespective of the industry niche, orders are processed and delivered at hyperspeed compared to conventional e-commerce, with zero downtime and guaranteed customer support at our end to back your business up.

The traditional e-commerce model, on the other hand, isn’t efficient enough in terms of its service standards. The delivery time averages between 3 and 5 days, and larger orders also come with their unique sets of delays. These issues still persist in different industries, but thanks to Q-comm solutions, many businesses have begun to transition towards quick commerce technology. 

Additionally, our q-commerce stack brings restaurants, supermarkets, and food & beverage brands to their customers wherever they are. In many cases, orders are processed and delivered in as quick as 15 minutes, a capability backed by location-based ordering and delivery.

With the rise of quick commerce, businesses have begun to embrace and explore the untapped potential of convenience shopping on a whim. Such opportunities are also enabling global industry business leaders to play an important part in reshaping the future of order deliveries, processing, and customer support. 


How Quick Is Quick Commerce?

A quick commerce-enabled business is as quick as its deliveries. In other words, it all comes down to having a system in which optimal delivery timelines are made possible with location-based ordering capabilities – deliveries are dispatched to customers from the branches located nearest to them.

In many ways, businesses don’t have to go through a rough patch to make the transition from e-commerce towards a q-commerce platform. Acquiring our technology stack is quick and convenient with no disturbances caused to ongoing business operations.

how to increase restaurant sales in 2021

For instance, food businesses running under different name brands are already well aware of how the logistics work, how orders are processed and the average volume of orders to generate for them to be profitable. Launching quick commerce for such restaurants and retailers has been more of graduation from what they had been doing long before but with Blink’s revolutionary quick commerce technology to do all the work for them.

However, with the change in consumer behavior and the average customer belonging to the Gen Z/ Millennial population cluster that demands instant gratification, businesses have had to find ways to render their services to their customers in a matter of minutes. 

To cater to the needs of brick-and-mortar establishments quick commerce allows businesses to look for city center warehouses, delivery points, and areas that are easily accessible to businesses. This geographical advantage helps to reduce friction and deliver goods to customers from their local favorite stores. 

Hundreds of brands operate through branded direct ordering mobile applications and websites, it has become easier for such businesses to have a 24/7 order window and manage logistics in-house. 

Essentially, restaurants looking for riders do not have to struggle as much these days Uber, Lyft, and such other services ensured that riders were already available on restaurants’ radar as food delivery agents interested in making a few extra bucks. This experience has resulted in ultra-fast customer service that has minimized the distance between on-site food businesses and their customers.

How To Make Q Commerce Work For Your Restaurant?

Here are a few tips on how to make q commerce work for your restaurant:

  • Regular analysis of website traffic

    Analyze your website’s traffic statistics regularly in order to identify areas where more traffic is being generated than is being used by your customers.
    Once you have identified these high-demand areas, create content or advertisements related to those topics in an attempt to attract visitors from the outside world.

  •  Equip your menus with QR codes

    This way diners can easily scan them with their smartphones and make purchases without ever having to leave the table.
    By doing this, you will not only save time while waiting in line at the cash register but also reduce theft rates since people won’t be able to steal food if they don’t know how it’s made!

  • Use real-time bidding (RTB) tools to optimize ad spend and increase revenue.

    RTB technologies allow you to bid on specific keywords or phrases in order to get ads displayed on search engines, social media sites, and other online platforms.
    This way, you can target potential customers who are searching for information about restaurants specifically.

Q Commerce For Grocery Delivery Business

Making quick commerce work for your grocery delivery business can be tough, but there are a few simple tricks that you can use to help make the process easier.

  • Keep your prices competitive.
    While it’s important to charge a fair price for your services, don’t sacrifice quality in order to do so. Your customers will appreciate it if all of their food arrives fresh and intact.
  • Be flexible with your hours.
    If you’re able to accommodate the needs of busy shoppers, being open late or on weekends can be a huge advantage.
  • Offer additional discounts and perks for repeat customers.
    This will let them know that they’re getting value from using your service, and they may be more likely to recommend you to their friends!

Having said that, have you moved to a quick commerce platform lately? If so, what were the challenges that your business had to go through? We’d love to hear how quick commerce has helped your business. Feel free to use the comments section below.


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