Restaurant Website Ordering in Qatar
4 Hrs and 15 Minutes
Is the average time the top 20% of smartphone users are spending everyday4 Hrs and 15 Minutes
Is the average time the top 20% of smartphone users are spending everydayWith the sharp increase in online ordering after the pandemic, more and more customers are moving towards ordering in! Get ahead of your competition in Qatar with Blink’s complete all-in-one platform that allows you to enable online ordering for your customers.
With Blink’s online ordering platform, you get access to a complete suite of feature-packed products such as Website Ordering, Mobile App Ordering, & much more!
Restaurant Mobile Ordering App in Qatar
Be at your customer’s fingertips by allowing them to order from anywhere in Qatar with your own branded mobile ordering app! Enable your business to enter the world of online ordering and digital payments to allow ease and convenience to your customers in their entire journey.
Get the best features with Blink
Browse your menu and prices
Add items to their cart
Place order
Share their address via GPS
Collect Loyalty Points
Save Payment Methods & Addresses
Login with Phone Number
Enjoy their food at their doorstep!
Rate their Ordering Experience
Restaurant Analytics Software in Qatar
Allow your business to become data-driven so that you can access, analyze, and act on important business insights generated by Blink’s Restaurant Analytics.
Let's Connect
Reach out to us, and ask us anything you need to know about our Quick Commerce Enablement Platform. We’re eager to help you out!