New Features
Bulk updates Branch-wise product prices will now enable users to conveniently update different prices of the same product across branches.
Product Catalogue > Branch-wise Toggle
Dashboard Preview Net revenue and actual orders data are now available on Dashboard.
Order Mode Edit Now users can manage their order modes (Delivery, Pick-Up, Dine-In) from branch status in the Blink Portal.
Settings > Branch Status
Item Management You can now set the following variable on the item edit pop-up window:
- Branch-wise item availability
- Branch-wise item prices
- Branch-wise item stock quantity
Product Catalogue > Branch-wise Toggle
Bulk Updates of the following segments are now available on their respective screens on the Blink Portal:
Item Price Override Price “overridden” identification has been provided at the item level in the order detail window so the Blink Portal operator can identify why prices are different from the master item.
New Integrations
Multisoft ERP integration for inventory and stock updates.
AddPay payment gateway
Bug Fixes
Banner Update Web Only or App only banner update functionality has now been updated.